Post news RSS The elom massacre

This was the bombardment of elom. Special thanks to the old republic for the article and so i could put this in the archives.

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The Bombardment of Elom

Republic: Admiral Airaviper's flagship, 15 Hamerhead class Cruisers, 30 blockade runners, 20 fighter squads, 40 bomber squads, and a sizable ground force.
Native Elom: Security Force stationed at their capitol.

Republic Victory, Elom succession from the sith, world gained for the republic.The Battle:The repulic saw Elom as a good planet to conquer from the sith (purpose held back for security reasons). The republic also learned that the sith had no presence on Elom. The native specious on Elom was loyal to the sith so the republic decided to bombard the capitol of Elom to destroy their security force. Hours later, the city was in ruins. The republic also jammed communication so the elom couldn't contact the sith. To hide this attack, Admiral Airaviper sent a small force to Thila to distract the sith. The sith ultimatly destroyed the force but at a cost. The plan worked and Elom is in Republic hands. The Elom also pledged themselfs to the republic.
Losses:Republic: NoneNative Elom: Entire security force, a million rebellious citizens, the capitol of Elom

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