Happy New Year
Welcome to The Debating Society's first Monthly Update
January 2014
Greetings all!
The Debating Society would like to hear your opinions and suggestions on what we can do to improve your debating experience here!
Currently, the old "Debating Society" is currently undergoing reformation and changes, due to some admin rights problems, it may take slightly longer than planned. However there will be drastic changes group.
During the reformation:
- A new moderator team and system will be decided and put into action
- The use of the Code of Conduct will be revalidated and readdressed
- A planned debating tournament will be in discussion
- The forums will be refurbished for the new year
- There will be a "Top Contributors" rewards/revering system at the end of each month
We will be clearing the clutter in the old forums and adding new threads.
Statistics! :O
The Debating Society group
The Debating Tournament Q1 2014
There is a planned debating tournament/competition, however the plans will not be carried out unless it is favoured amongst the populace!
- Members/non-members alike can organise debate teams under the guidance of the moderators and leaders.
- The tournament format would be in rounds. ?Members of the group vote? which team produces THE STRONGEST ARGUMENTS NOT THE CORRECT CONCLUSION.
e.g. Team 1 argues that consoles are better than PCs
Team 2 argues that PCs are better than consoles
We all know of course that PC gaming is superior to console gaming. But if team 1 produces A BETTER ARGUMENT that provides a logical conclusion: Csun.edu
then they are the stronger team than team 2 who just produces fallacies and attacks.
I am eager to hear your opinions and ideas we could incorporate into the final plans of the great debate competition. Or whether we shouldn't do it at all! A forum post will soon be made containing the final plans and a poll on whether the competition should go ahead.
Happy Debating@The Debating Society!
Excellent, I look forward to seeing the updates and revamping! May we start off this year with some excellent debate.