Edge of Eternity's Early Access is shaping up quite nicely and the tension is becoming palpable (well, probably not for you who are comfortably sitting in front of your screen, but for us, it is.)
We felt it was time to put the game's plot and the heroes's purpose in perspective... After all, it will soon be your quest, too.
You do remember that the world of Heryon was threatened by something, right? Now it's time to talk about...
The Corrosion
It all began with a few people complaining about an itch - an itch behind the left eye.
Little they knew at the time that it was one of the first symptoms of the Corrosion - a terrible plague unleashed on Heryon by the Archelites.
They watched, helpless, as the sickness slowly devoured their flesh, turning it into a throbbing, painful biomechanical mass. People panicked - many of them were cast away, kept into quarantine camps built by the Consort until the Sanctorium would find a cure...
A cure that never came.
The overwhelming pain caused by the Corrosion eventually took over their minds but a few moments before they turned into complete abominations. In the dark room that became their mind, a silence devoid of thought. Pain. Unending, uncompromising pain.
To this day, it is unknown if it is the pain itself that turned them mad, or if it is the nature of the Corrosion itself. Nevertheless, all of the Infected inevitably turned into ravenous, destructive beasts. They had lost the last spark of their humanity - became berserk, rampaging, killing, destroying everything around them.
For the Consort, finding a cure quickly became an afterthought: containment was the new priority, killing the sick before they could infect others. A dirty deed done quickly, without ceremony.
As a precaution, the corpses of people who succumbed while carrying the Corrosion were thrown in mass graves – and buried. People thought they would be safe that way.
Until the Night of Saint Zenon, that is.
The Night of Saint Zenon
Only a few people, both wise and reckless, had acquired any semblance of knowledge about the Corrosion - but even these handful of researchers and scholars could've predicted what was going to happen.
During the Night of Saint Zenon, in the year 459 of the Cyrus Era, a gigantic monster crawled out of one of those mass graves : the Amalgam. The innumerable corpses of the Infected had fused together and formed a towering, nightmarish assemblage of limbs and mouths.
Nothing could harm it - for the Amalgam regenerated at an impossible rate. The Consort had to resort to using forbidden weapons in order to repel its assaults. It took the death of hundreds of soldiers to drive this forty feet-high abomination into the crater of a volcano - where it would, after days of carnage, know its ultimate rest.
From this day on, The Consort ordered the construction of several Foundries, where the bodies of the Infected would be utterly consumed, so that never - never again - another Amalgam would see the day on Heryon.
At the time of Edge of Eternity, one year and a half passed since the Night of Saint Zenon. Far enough time for the Corrosion to spread, and for people to lose hope.
Now is the time for Daryon and Selene to begin their quest. A quest to find a cure - a cure for everyone - and a cure for a loved one.
It will be a personal story for them, just as it will be for you.
Stay tuned. More is coming!
And as always, thank you for believing in this project.