The Coin Game Work in Progress
You're probably asking yourself... "What's The Coin Game?"
Well, The Coin Game is an new Arcade Themed Open World Youth Simulator (Yes I just mashed all those adjectives together) complete with silly robots that manage the place. The object of surviving and flourishing in The Coin Game is to keep your parents happy, your stomach full of junk food and your pockets full of tickets and prizes. That's pretty much the gist of it. Sounds easy right?
Update info and pics:
Since my last announcement I have added a complete island town with unique fun locations, transportation systems, mini maps, in-game economies and have been focusing more on the overall "replay-ability" of The Coin Game. We don't just want to waste your time with the coin game...We want to waste it better than any other arcade adventure has wasted your time before. ;)
What started as two buildings and a parking lot has turned into a small Island town! I decided to add a larger world mainly because the parking lot just wasn't big enough to enjoy all of the things coming to The Coin Game. To get around town you can either walk (free), take the bus (cost little money) or save up for the gas golf cart (big money).
I am currently working on adding more games and machines to the arcade. I am also working on the new main characters (male and female) and several more bot characters to add more life and humor to the adventure. These additions are coming along nicely and will have more info and pics to share in the coming days.
Here is a recent video of the games progression and a look around
Islandville with the bus and golf cart. Please note this is a work in-progress and may change in the future as we get into the EA Launch.
A few of the new locations within islandville include a home base garage, Jerry's Gas & Go, Barry's Pawn Shop, Larry's Arcade and a nice relaxing public beach area. All areas offer their own opportunities and surprises if your not too proud to scrounge a little... There will be more news and info on each location as we get closer to the EA release.
Home Base- This is a great place to start and offers a safe place to return your loot to. Not far from the heart of town, just a quick walk to the bus stop and Jerry's Gas & Go.
Jerry's Gas & Go- Where Scratch Off Lotto and cheap gas is King! Complete with vending machines to quench your thirst and gas to fill the Golf carts belly.
Barry's Pawn Shop- Are you low on Cash? Do you need some loot to play at the arcade? Well, Barry's has you covered. Barry buys anything! Simply take your old scratch off tickets, empty cans or if you must your prized plush.:(
Larry's Arcade- This is the heart of the the coin game! Where all your bonus dreams will come true. Collecting tickets and winning prizes is just the beginning. This is why you do all of the hard work around town and scrounge dumpsters till the bots come home. The sound of sweet sweet bonus ringers. Don't stay too long though as mom will start sending texts that say "you dont want your father to get involved." or its GAME OVER. (because literally that's game over.)
Public beach- There is no judgement here. If you're strapped for cash try checking dumpsters and coolers for empty cans and used scratch off tickets from the tourists party shrapnels. You never know what those dummies will leave behind on their vacations.
The Bus- The bus is faster than walking and costs roughly $1.50 a ride. All seven bus stops allow you to purchase a ticket on location and a even have a button to hail the bus to minimize your waiting time. Because "waiting" is time not spent winning tickets.... and that's no bueno.
The Golf Cart- Ahhh... pure open road freedom! The golf cart is the fastest way to get to where you're going. It's also a way to find a fun detour or adventure. Stack up your goodies in the back and take em to the pawn shop for a huge payout or pile em up and bring home your daily winnings in ease. Your going to have to save your money up to buy it but then you're not having to wait for the man anymore. Er.. I mean robot.
Stay tuned.... :)
Make sure to add The Coin Game to your wish list on Steam to get more info on the coming release and info of the game @