We have worked long and hard and today you get to know exactly what we've spent the last 3 months working on. Below is as many additions, removals, fixes, modifications and changes as we could remember. If anything coems to mind that we've fixed the list here will be updated. In the mean time happy reading. Here a couple changes that are featured in 1.2
Added bg_newengland map
Added bg_bunkerhill map
Added bg_forestroad map
Added func_capturepoint to control capturing points - it now supports multi-player captures and triggering unlike its predecessors
Added env_flag to allow model changes on a team becoming involved with a certain capture point
Added func_ammostriper and func_ammoprovider to allow mappers to add and remove a player's ammo
Added info_reset to allow mappers to reset entities at the end of a round
Added team settings into all triggers, to only allow that trigger to go off for one team or all teams
Added dynamically blurring crosshairs (with class and health influence)
Added CVAR to prevent the use of team 3 - the spectators in the game
Added CVARs to limit classes
Added CVARs to turn off the displaying of certain messages (hit location, player-joining team, capture point notices, etc)
Added water HUD
To see all the changes. Check out the full change log