Brethren of Nod our dawn is upon us, a bright green dawn , a dawn of new future that starts here , the first release yet in the vortex series , a corner stone in this mod future ....
This release is an alpha !! so bare with me in it there r many good sides of it yet it has considerable down sides in it to say its perfect i know that
So what can you find here ?
- this mod adds a single extra faction from many yet to come and its obviously Nod
- Nod are not complete yet they are missing special powers , upgrades and few buildings
- this mod brings the classic C&C side bar UI to the game yet keep in mind generals inst that friendly , there few bugs i'm ware about including that you can only cancel the 1st 3 items you are building , the other 6 tiles are not select-able yet
- some units are not balanced and i'm counting on your game play to refine them :)
i highly encourage posting all your feedback in this forum :
that will help keep everything organised and not lost or burred by other posts
Have fun generals its a good day in vortex history for sure =)