Post news RSS The Afflicted Now Supports DirectX 11!

The Afflicted is now integrating support for the Unreal Engine 3 suite of DX11 features! These features include: Multi-sample anti-aliasing Image-Based Reflections Tessellation Screen Space SSS Deferred Shading Bokeh Depth of Field

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The Afflicted has made the shift to DirectX 11! We have been working hard to integrate many of the DX11 features that are supported by Unreal Engine 3. We have just added a sampling of screenshots demonstrating the features in action.

Single Point DX11 Update - Phase 1 Control Point

These screenshots demonstrate the use of image-based reflections and MSAA. We will be releasing new content in the next few weeks demonstrating more features. We're very excited about integrating these features into our game, and are looking to push Unreal 3 to it's limit!

Image based-reflections utilize pre-rendered bitmaps within the environment. It's a really clever system that allows for simulated reflections in real-time, which can be rendered across any surface, regardless of its contour. This really benefits the credibility of the environments, especially in areas that have neon signs or glowing holographic projections. The system even incorporates static shadows, and allows for dynamic objects to be represented in the reflection.

Single Point DX11 Update - Parking Garage Exterior

Although we're now supporting DirectX 11, the game will be released with full support for DirectX 9, allowing users with older hardware to still experience the game with a high level of quality. We're building the game for DirectX 9 first, with each of the DX11 features intended to enhance the aesthetic.

Be on the lookout for more updates in the very near future, and look for our playable demo in the first quarter of 2012!

domis4 - - 97 comments

looks awesome :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
jeetu - - 1 comments

ya like domis4 looks great

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TristanParrish Author
TristanParrish - - 123 comments

Thanks guys! We have been working very hard recently to get new content out and it's been paying off! We should be keeping a steady stream of content coming your way, and with more DX11 features!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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