Post news RSS Terminal Conflict - "Dominate the Seas" Dev Diary 13

This week we are taking you on an in depth look at sea units in Terminal Conflict and showcasing brand new screenshot with a first reveal form the perspective of the Soviet player!

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Completing the 60-degree turn, the bells rang out in close sequence. Passing through to the second level at the aft, I braced, as expected. On the third bell, the 16-inch guns opened up like thunder on a pitch-black sky. If not anchored down securely, the recoil alone rearranged equipment knocking it on to the deck. I shall never forget the awesome display of fire, smoke and noise. Naval guns, fired in anger as our fleet engaged.

Fetch your sailors cap, and take a sturdy breath as today we are heading out to sea in this development diary. Terminal Conflict brings the combat of the Cold War into your very own handy terminal and this includes the domination of the seas. Making decisions as either the leader of the USA or USSR, your leadership is vital to command the oceans. Dominating and controlling sea routs via straits can mean the difference between your enemies gaining a logistical reach to deploy or you keeping them at bay.

Play on a grand strategic level with your fleets, to secure a wider area by keeping them dispersed or combine up to five of your fleets in one region to constitute powerful navies.

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Submarine Fleet (SUBF)

Containing a large number of submarine vessels of all types, stealthy and devastating against Carrier fleets but vulnerable against Surface fleets.

Active Abilities

  • Nuclear launch (can be equipped with nukes if enabled by technology - Nuclear)

Passive Abilities:

  • Visible for only 2 turn when committing offensive actions or when defending from an opponent attack
  • Immune to infiltration by CIA/KGB
  • Can operate in the Arctic

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Surface Fleet (SURF)

Consists of a large number of capital ships (not including carriers) and surface vessels of all types these fleets are devastating against Submarine fleets but vulnerable against Carrier fleets.

Active Abilities:

  • Disembark (The fleet can serve as a deployment and transport platform for an Army Command)

Passive Abilities:

  • If the Surface fleet is destroyed while transporting a unit so is the transported unit. If the Surface fleet is withdrawn to Global resource pool so is the transported unit.
  • Can be infiltrated by CIA/KGB when at friendly coastal regions

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Carrier Fleet (CARF)

Constituted by a Carrier battle group and its grouping of surface vessels of all types, Carrier fleets are devastating against Surface fleets but vulnerable against submarine fleets.

Active Abilities:

  • Carrier Operation (Can stage Carrier Strike operations in the fleets region that Forces engagement of one Army Command in the region it attacks)
  • Nuclear launch (can be equipped with nukes if enabled by technology - Nuclear)

Passive Abilities:

  • Defeats all Surface Fleets in combat as long as it has remaining combat actions
  • Loses against Submarine Fleets in combat as long as the Submarine Fleet has remaining combat actions
  • Onboard Fighter wing provide Air Superiority against Bomber attacks in the same region as long as the fleet has remaining combat actions.
  • Can be infiltrated by CIA/KGB when at friendly coastal regions

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Order of Battle

Do you wonder what it takes to command the waves? We have aimed for authenticity deploying your fleets in a historically plausible order of battle.

Soviet Union fleets, deployed initially in a defensive posture close to home consist of 6 Surface fleets and 6 Submarine fleets. Their lack of Carrier fleets partially compensated by the concentration of Soviet forces in strategic positions. Close proximity and clever use of the Arctic, as well as cunning use of disarmament can be a potent way to make the most of these deployments.

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In contrast, the power projection of United States naval forces has witnessed a different kind of evolution and focus. Fielding no less than 6 Carrier Fleets, 6 Surface Fleets and 7 Submarine fleets at the start, American naval strength is leveraged globally. Dispersed over many theaters of operations they are more than able to create the circumstances for US security. Take charge, maintain and expand your influence across the globe as you launch your terminal and pioneer your nation’s geopolitical nuclear insurance beneath the polar ice.

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Thank you and best regards!

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