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This is some information on the latest build 0.1.1007.

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This build really focused on a couple of things. One was adding some sort of task/quest system. It won't be very complex. At any given time, you will have one or two things going on. A main and an optional. The main will be simple such as collect enough energy to power the ships . Optional quests will be bonuses on top of anything you gain for a mission. Kills will get you metal, collecting energy cubes will get you fuel. The tasks will be mostly for your own reference, maybe you get a super bonus if you find 5 different boxes of rock, if you don't read the tasks you won't know where you are.

So where are we? Where are we going?

  • Concept if finalized, the game will be set in the present and you can go to different times to collect powerups and technology.
  • You will be able to bring in help from other times or other places using portals.
  • The other time zones are not built or designed yet, this will come later.
  • The end game is still fuzzy, but it will culminate with a battle that should be memorable.

What's a normal day in the life of the last ship from your planet?

  • Your day to day activities will be normal events. Looking for technology and fuel at local areas in the system, repairing your ship and researching things.
  • From the nav room you can pick missions to gain fuel
  • Each mission will have all of the things you need, let it be food, fuel or whatever. Each level will be shifted towards one area. This will ensure, that if you hate a certain type of level, it can be avoided.
  • With each milestone of energy, you will be able to research deeper into the power of the "device".
  • Once you have enough clues you can confront the last boss.

Here is the latest shot of the crew cabin in full res. This is a work in progress of course.

Updated Crew Cabin art

KinGabe - - 21 comments

Great game! Nice graphics, and lovely square-rounded trees.

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