Post news RSS Tellus Wins IEEE Competition, Alpha Available!

Tellus is the winner of the 2nd (and final phase) of the SaveEarthGame competition!

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We recently received this information from the representative at IEEE:

In 2009, IEEE, in collaboration with DigiPen, 1 Playable, the International Game Developers
Association, and the GLOBE Program launched a contest to develop ideas for a game that allows
players to use Earth Observations of our environment for solving issues of the world around us. The
game is to show how real-world events affect the Earth and impact people. Whether it is flooding or
drought, changes in energy or climate, the game will provide connections to historical and real-time data that will impact session outcomes.

The second contest has as its objective the design of a playable, prototype computer game. The winning game will use earth observation data as a means to forecast and respond to environmental challenges.

IEEE is pleased to announce the Winner in the Second SAVEEARTHGAME Playable Game Design
Competition is The Tellus Team, comprising students from the University of Advancing Technology in
Tempe, Arizona, under the direction of Professor David Wessman.

The Tellus Team has created and submitted a functional game that provides the framework for a fully
functional game.

The winning team will receive a monetary prize.

IEEE expects to continue its relationship with The Tellus Team, Professor Wessman, and the University
of Advancing Technology as The Tellus Team adds further functionality and develops game
connections to Earth Observation historical data sets and real time Earth Observation data and expands the existing prototype to meet all the objectives of the contest.

Congratulations to The TELLUS Team and Professor Wessman.

We now have Alpha Version 3 Available!

Please check our downloads for the latest version of the game.

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