Hi, I’m Yoann Gourio, game designer on Hollywood Zombie Pinball Apocalypse. My main task is to think and define all the gameplay mechanisms of the game. I also work on the level conception, on the internal sound design treatment, but also on our global strategy about playtesting (and other polyvalent tasks according to the need of the team).
Hi, I’m Coline the dictatorial project manager of the team! I’m in charge of our project’s organization and coherence all along the year. Planning and baby-sitting are my daily main duties but I confess I like to worm my way into game design too… I plan milestones and tasks, and try to make it until the final presentation of the project!
Hello, I’m Geoffrey the only programmer on the project. I’m a then the technical lead, but I also take part in general game design and level design. My job also consists in integrating all game assets and features (graphics, sounds…) in the final application.
Hi, I’m Tom the level designer and the level builder of the project. My objectives are to create and validate all the levels for our game. I also participate in game design decisions, play-testing and ergonomics on the iPad, and even sometimes marketing! Some say I’m the craziest member of the team...
Greetings! I’m Marcin. Hollywood Zombie Pinball Apocalypse was originally my idea, and now I serve as Artistic Director. I make decisions concerning the global visual flavor of our game while also creating both special effects and 3D assets. I’m not gay.
Hi, I’m Meng-Shiun. I am the second 3D artist of the team, working on environment objects and gameplay elements. I come from Taiwan. As you can see, that’s pretty much my facial expression when I work with these crazy guys... Nevertheless, I’m satisfied to work on Hollywood Zombie Pinball Apocalypse in team work, and I try to make the game beautiful on the iPad.