Tales of Vastor - Progress #13 - Alpha
- Alpha
- What's done?
- What's next?
Last week, the latest alpha was released. Here is the link to the download: Indiedb.com
Of course, I had to fix some bugs and add a few new functions. As I can't remember everything what was done, I decided to cover the progress so far in a trailer video. Enjoy!
What's done?
As mentioned before, last weeks goal was to release the alpha version for you. In addition to the alpha, I updated the website. Talesofvastor.de
Andrew finished the last track for Tales of Vastor and I am glad to share his playlist: Soundcloud.com
It contains the following tracks:
- The Princess
- The Quiet Road
- Swords Drawn
- The Cover of Darkness
- The Showdown
What's next?
- Further story configs
- New landscapes and models
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Thank you!