¿Would you like that I upload videos of gameplays about the mod Fenix Legacy?
I wonder if you want that I upload videos about my mod. I didn't have time to put additional things in the version that are available to download, due to I have another responsabilities and not enough time, also this (modding in Starcraft 1) was initially a hobby, I don't have enough time to make great changes to my mod; some days before skf1234 helped with this idea, so I ask to players if you would like that I upload videos of my mod.
I would upload videos of entire gameplays, because I consider that at this point demos won't be enough, also if you have replays that you want to share, you can send them by PM.
Thanks to skf1234 and CenzuraH, I saw that they are making their own mods; this could be a feedback, in an indirectly way, for them. Thanks Raygoza and other friends that gave their opinion and feedback.