Post news RSS Supernatural WWII game project adds Diablo 3 writer

Clay Murphy, whose writing credits include Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls and the recently released MMO Blade & Soul, has recently joined Itzy Interactive as their head writer on the supernatural, WWII project Mad Devils.

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Edmonton Canada - Clay Murphy, whose writing credits include Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls and the recently released MMO Blade & Soul, has recently joined Itzy Interactive as their head writer on the supernatural, WWII project Mad Devils.

He will work alongside such talented crew members as David Murdoch, the esteemed artist responsible for the harrowing graphic novel Lucas plus the album art of Ghostface Killah’s 36 Seasons, and veteran Bioware level designer John Winski (Baldur’s Gate, Mass Effect).

They join the rest of the Edmonton-based, Itzy Interactive team who formed in 2011. The self-funded indie developers have produced award winning titles for Android and iOS and Mad Devils will be their first foray into console gaming with Mad Devils being targeted for PS4, XboxOne and PC platforms. The prototype for their twisted co-op shooter is scheduled for completion in late spring.

The entire team is working tirelessly to make the world of Mad Devils a reality and is looking forward to sharing what they’ve been cooking up this past year.

Follow the development of Mad Devils on

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