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All these squares make a circle, all these squares make a circle

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Hello everyone!

Just a little heads up, I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks so there won't be news.

But, fear not, I'm not leaving you completely empty-handed (sorry, can't make a video out of it today, just some screenshots later in the afternoon) so I'll tell you what's cooking.

#1: The NH has a new voice which, IMO, suits him almost perfectly.I'll try to post a video just of that. He will randomly use some lines while swinging his weapon, or finishing someone. Pain and death sounds are also changed

#2: There are now different sound effects for weapon type, meaning that 1h weapons will sound different from 2h swords, and 2h axes/warhammers will sound different from 2h swords

#3: There is a new 2h fighting style

#4: 2h Warhammers are a thing

#5: Blood effect on finishers

#6: NEW SPELLS: Nova, Avalanche, Fist of the Storm, Life Drain (WIP)*, Dark Pact (WIP)*, Thunder (WIP)*

*(WIP): 90% done, just have to tweak some things but I don't want to show you unfinished progress.

#7: 2 more boss fights in the works (Ice Dragon - Unknown [no its not another dragon])

And that's it guys, see you in two weeks \o

Kiril_470 - - 283 comments

Great! enjoy your holiday! :)

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Guest - - 706,751 comments

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kruno123 - - 1 comments

When can we expect requiem for download?

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Guest - - 706,751 comments

Hey just stumbled upon this mod and it sounds awesome!

Love to see keeping Gothic 2 alive. One of the best RPG's ever made.

Curious about when can we expect a final release? A week, month, year? Be really cool to know an estimate ^^

Keep up the good work!

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Laerte - - 1 comments

I really like the work you're doing but I have a question: is there a way to translate the language?

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