Hello Waistlanders this is the 3rd Update But more Like the 90th for me Lets just say this is the 3rd Public Update K? :D
Now The Creator of the Le revolver Mod and Some others. Has Agreed to let me Use his content like fauna NCR LEGION Etc. So that Means I'; get Skins fauna Etc to speed the updates up. There Will be private Skins Etc that The pubic Will not have Access to So you can just download his mod and get 40% of my Mod.
Now since this Mod is based on Fallout 4 3 NV That makes the Development Way Slower!! So please understand.
Demo: What will the Demo Have you may ask? Well No missions 1-15 Skins 1-3 Fauna 3 or so maps and About 48 Props From Different Fallout Games. And Maybe a Couple units. Why so Small of a Demo? Well We want People to Just get a Feel of Our Models Skins etc Besides the Stuff That I did not make
Repeat all the Stuff that the Creator of Le Revolver Made is not mine So don't say I Stole it! Ps he is Letting Me use it.