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Brief update, things are happening and/or going to happen, not dead etc.

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Merry December all.

So, if you don't feel like reading big slabs of text, here is a summary of sorts:

  • I'm alive
  • Working on the mod
  • Spoil TFA for me, and I'll kill you.

Goodness me it's been a while hasn't it?

I'd initially planned to be reporting on things every month, but obviously that hasn't happened.

Good news is that I'm still pottering along with things, and have gotten a good bit accomplished since August.

And, for a change, there isn't any bad news.


I was thinking that I might have gotten things to such a stage that a mod update was warranted around this time, but I haven't got there yet; there was - and still is I guess - a good deal of fiddly and time-consuming things that need doing.

I have slowly been losing some of the time I'd initially set aside for the mod, but not nearly as much as I was expecting.

In among other 'things' I'm working on, there is of course the inevitable demands of time that come of this time of year, and I've been devoting a good deal more time to my studies of late as well.

The good news is that one of the other 'things' that I'm working on has allowed me to develop some abilities that were in need of development; I can now confidently say that I am in possession of an aesthetic sense rivalling at least that of a dog, and have advanced my graphical design abilities to a similar level.

I'm hoping that, when the time comes that I am again capable of such things, these advancements will allow to me to make some rather pretty things.

And no, I haven't seen The Force Awakens yet.

This is causing a good deal of inconvenience for me, as I'm having to avoid those corners of the Internet not absolutely vital me if I think there is a chance that they could spoil the movie.

It goes without saying that I won't appreciate any comments, PMs or anything else with spoilers, fake or otherwise.

So, until the next update, take care.


LucianoStarKiller - - 2,399 comments

I wont spoil for anyone, only know that the movie is legitimately good if you can ignore some bad and superficial plot points and manage to keep your mind open.
About the mod, I really like your work and is good to see it still has progress.
Good luck!

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