>No colorful stuff this time.
>I know that was trippy.
Anyway. Here's a list:
-More Personalized Units for Subfactions(especially Infantry).
Rangers will be armed with Miniguns(AirForce)
Rangers will be carrying shrunken laser turrets(or maybe just a new gun, Laser)
Redguards will be wearing masks(Tank)
Redgaurds carrying boomsticks(I know, it's sounds silly, Nuke)
Rebels carrying shotguns(Demo)
and etc...
-Boss General TOTAL Makeover.
Cyberkinetic Marines
Javelin Troopers
Tengu(or Winged Demons, if you're not fond of the Japanese content)
A whole different Vehicle Set.
Heavy Tank MBT
L.O.T.U.S. Tank
Quad Gattling
Sniper Tank
Super Fortress
A whole different Aerial Set.
Winters Super-Heli
Smithers Super-Heli
A new Superweapon. - This is one of the more harder things to do.
-Stray Units that need a place:
-High-Altitude MRLS
-Needing a model.
-Something with Orbs and things.
New General's Powers(gonna make)
-Airborne- AirForce
-Carpet Cluster Bomb- AirForce
-Shu-Ov21 Drop- Tank
-Shell Shock- Tank
-Uchiseki Dome Drop- Nuclear
-Terrorist Ambush- Demolitions
-Elite Jihad Warrior Ambush- Stealth
-Contaminator Bomb- Toxin