Post news RSS Stromgarde Kingdom Tier 1 Units

Greetings! This article will feature Stromgarde Kingdom Tier 1 Units. Please note, that units available to every subfaction varies on each tier.

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The first basic unit, available for all Stromgarde Kingdom Subfactions is the Footman.

Basic melee unit of Stromgardian Military, they are tougher, stronger and more disciplined than footmen from other kingdoms.


Next up, are the Crossbowmen. These ranged units are able to send deadly bolt volleys into their enemies. While lacking the health and armor of Footmen, their superior damage and range makes them the primary choice as a ranged unit.


The third tier 1 unit is the Banner Carrier. Support unit, with with weak offensive and medium defensive capabilites, with the main purpose of bolstering the morale of nearby allies, greatly increasing their effectiveness in combat.


And last, but not least, the unit specific to only Stromgarde Supremacy subfaction: Halberdier.

These units have deadly melee AoE and single target attacking capabilities. However, they lack the high deffensive power of Footmen, making it a smart decision to have a mix of both units in the field, covering each other's weaknesses.


And... that's it for tier 1 units!

No, not really. These are just units which are available for ALL subfactions of Stromgarde Kingdom in tier 1. Each subfaction, however, have access to various units from other tiers available on tier 1, to highlight the subfaction's specific theme. In the next update, which will come very soon, we will showacse Tier 2 units of Stromgarde Kingdom.

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jfpoliveira12 - - 3,727 comments

The Halberdier unit is freaking awsome, so much, in fact, that it doesnt even fit in with the others. I think it has a much better style.

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