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So this is going to actually go past current Lore Release and going off of one of my friends ideas who works in story line at GW.

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Currently Here is what we all know and love/hate depends on what side of the spectrum you are on:

Emperor is dead/decaying on his throne

Silent King just doesn't care anymore necrons not united

Eldar are near extinction

Tau are just expanding

Orks are not Unified in any way

Dark Eldar are well doing there thing (aha sorry dont care for them but doesnt mean my team wont do them justice)

IoM is near collapse

Roboute Guilliman is in a stasis field near death, some other primarchs are mia (forget there names but if you know them then you know what i mean)

Chaos is in prison in the warp as the minor gods (khorne slaanesh tzeentch and nurgle much about trying to bring oblivion)

Tyranids fleets are only scouts (depressing :( lol xp)

Now for the stuff that you are about to learn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IoM will have a research it will be called Artefacts of Vulkan this is precursor to the research The Emperor has Risen (which i'll explain in more detail later on for what do they do) having said this both are time consuming and expensive however the are worth it for what they will do. Having the EHR will let you research the Return of the Primarchs Now here is the tricky part you must chose one of 3:

Haha oh the choices the choices well here they are :

Roboute Guilliman : Increase combat tactics (ie. ship turn rate increased fire rate higher damage)

Vulkan: Forgefather (ie. High increase in armour and hull)

Dorn's Resurrection: Defense over Power (Increases Tactical Slots and a defenses and new research for them)

now every other faction will get there own "Super Research" like Necrons "Unity Under the King" which in a later post i will get into the others.

Until Next time May the Emperor Protect and Silence is coming.

Hopit - - 288 comments


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KhevaKins - - 271 comments

I don't nearly know what half of that means. The WH4000 universe sounds interesting though, I should learn more.

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ThePluckyBrit - - 134 comments

Read up on it here

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asemo12000 - - 92 comments

Why doesn't the silent king care any more is he having a midlife crisis?

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lycan2dude - - 46 comments

haha that made me laugh

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Roboute-Guilliman Author
Roboute-Guilliman - - 664 comments

hahaha nice no he just doesnt according to the lore you invade his area he'll **** you up but if you leave him alone he doesnt care UNLESS tyranids are involved

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asemo12000 - - 92 comments

What beef does he have with the tryainds? DID THOSE ******* STEAL HIS GIRL! In all seriousness though I thought the necrons prime objective was to wipe out all life so why would he just sit back and chill especially when a lot of the power are weakened? Interesting lore and ideas though.

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Roboute-Guilliman Author
Roboute-Guilliman - - 664 comments

yes it is and the tyranids are hated foes to the necrons do the the fact "The great devor" is the 4 necron god The One i believe his name is he was tricked but the deceiver the dragon and the nightbringers as well the silent king doesnt care that was the objective of the necron gods but the King doesnt want to was time on "lesser beings" so he leaves them be until they **** him off

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asemo12000 - - 92 comments

So he is defying his gods by staying back and building up his forces while the lifeforms kill them self's cause he has all the time in the world. Except if the tyranids are involved they being the biggest threat because they can eat planets and have endless numbers. Though I don't get how they are related to The great devourer. Pretty cool over all, the more I talk to you about this the better it gets, and thank you for starting a battle fleet gothic mod not a lot of them and been dying for one and thank you for taking some of your time to respond to my questions.

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Roboute-Guilliman Author
Roboute-Guilliman - - 664 comments

according to the new lore they dont follow the old gods and that is just the silent king there are different leaders for the necrons he is just the head one like the Storm Lord is expanding his territory and for Teh Great devourer (and tyranid) dont effect the necrons but TGD hates the crons for the gods they used to serve for what they did. I enjoy responding i try to for every comment and glad you apprecaite this tbh i was just gonna do if ro my friends and i but i decided to share

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asemo12000 - - 92 comments

Well thanks for clearing up my questions about the lore haven't really read up on it in awhile, interesting stuff though.

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Roboute-Guilliman Author
Roboute-Guilliman - - 664 comments

you are welcome :).

oh yes a lot of people were irritated about the necrons new lore when it came out

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ThePluckyBrit - - 134 comments

Yeah, the new Cron lore is totally different, this is what happens when you get Matt Ward to rewrite a 3rd edition Codex. I did ask him about the entirely new refix at Gamesday last year, he told me that he thought the old lore was to thin and it needed to be expanded. Honestly, I like it. I started playing 'Crons when the 5th edition book came out so I know my way around the new lore.

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0ss - - 146 comments

Sounds very good!

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Kodasa - - 65 comments

So. I know that you were talking about the tyranids being a challenge. As they only really board and destroy then move on. Well perhaps you could diversify a little bit from the lore and play upon the tyranid ability to biomorph? The hive fleet found itself steadily being beaten down at range during orbital combat, suffering under fire heavy enough to cause it to retreat before it could reach boarding range. So after ambushing some imperium ships, the tyranid hive mind studied them (Tyranids have displayed this intelligence before along with an ability to assimilate consumed DNA. Many of their staple creatures such as the Zoanthrope and even the carnifex came about as a result of Assimilation. So the tyranids could have hive ships with morphed weapons, enabling them to fire giant venom cannons and large devourer slugs through space. These slugs would have armor eating acid so as to warrent their use against space craft. With a little imagination the tyranids ground weapons can be developed to work in space. Perhaps even a morphed channeler ship. Which extends synapse like a hive ship, but channels the power of a Zoanthropes psychic powers. Enabling it to throw up defensive warp fields (Shield boosts) or to fire powerful, armor rending blasts or even to mess with the minds of a ships crew, causing it to flee in terror as nightmarish visions fill their minds

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Kodasa - - 65 comments

Another option is having the tyranids able to steal enemy ships through the use of genestealer boarding parties. genestealers are infiltrators right, They're extremely intelligent, capable of surviving in any environment unprotected, even hard vaccuum. Their reproduction methods turn their victims into slaves controlled by the brood mind. SO. They could in essence board an enemy ship, infect the crew, and then you gain use of that ship, shall we say the ship has 90% of its original stats however, to represent crew being killed in the boarding and the slower reactions of the slave species. So the ship would be usable still, But suffer a small penalty for being controlled by the slaves. An upgrade could be available to the ship, which turns it into a derelict space hulk, just floating wreckage above a planet, so it is ignored by the enemy. However it breeds genestealer cults. Which can blend in with the other races, and work like culture, slowly lowering the allegiance of the hostile planet the ship is in. With an ability to reactivate the ship also, symbolising the reproduction ending and the slave crew resuming their duties. Just spit balling. Scuse my imagination if you've already got the tyranids sorted.

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Roboute-Guilliman Author
Roboute-Guilliman - - 664 comments

wow ill have to consider both of them thanks ill discuss it with my team

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ThePluckyBrit - - 134 comments

Only 3 Primarchs? No Leman Russ coming along and making you batshit crazy Space Wolves? No Corax turning you into 'strike from the shadows' Raven Guard? No Lion El'Jonson turning you into the uber fanatical Dark Angels? By the way, the IoM are not 'near collapse'. That's why the Inquisition exists, to keep the mighty Imperium intact.

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