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Lately there havnt been any updates to SWE due to schooling, crew, working on the modelling, and a bunch of other things that would just waste typing space. Today however I will start showing a slew of starfighter updates. I'll be posting pictures and mini information updates everyday to every

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Lately there havnt been any updates to SWE due to schooling, crew, working on the modelling, and a bunch of other things that would just waste typing space. Today however I will start showing a slew of starfighter updates. I'll be posting pictures and mini information updates everyday to every other day. Also, if you have visited the website recently you will see that it is way out-of-date and that some pages have reverted back to the former layout. This was due to a wrong upload on my part, and I must redo all the lost content so that will be a small project for myself as well.

Furthermore, I have taken the time to redo the help request descriptions as they were very bland, dull and uninformative, and have totaly redone the Star Wars Empire description block. I felt that it didn't convey the meaning I had originally intended it to, so I re-wrote the whole description and now it should give a much greater look into the type of game which is being assembled. I hope this will get more people interested into the game and with the release of the Star Wars dvd & battlefront game this should be a mod worth watching develope! To tide everyone over today, I have posted up the Awing starfighter.

More will follow today and tomorrow!

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