Post news RSS Starfare 1.0.65 released!

Starfare version 1.0.65 has been released which fixes stability and performance issues and adds some cool new stuff.

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If you were having problems running the game properly in the past, this could be interesting for you. After a long period without real updates I thought - Hey, the code is fine, but the assets are yet to be done, there is no good reason why I shouldn't roll out an update for the game internals. So here is what's been changed:

  • Changes to the AI: Players with artificial "intelligence" will now choose their targets depending on their importance for the opponent. That means you should really look after your mines ;)
  • Changes to the game mechanics:
    • You get fewer resources the more asteroids you own. Example: When you gain 20 resources from your first asteroid, you'll gain only 10 from your second, which is 30 altogether. This is more fair, trust me.
    • Weapon/Armor classes have been added so some units can be more effective against others. This feature is not used in this version, but it's possibly interesting for modders.
    • Turrets can now perform fire sequences, e.g. firing three projectiles in a row, then pause for a few seconds. Currently not used, but implemented.
  • Visual changes:
    • The skybox looks much cleaner with fewer stars in he background an some asteroids in the foreground that possibly help you to get a better orientation.
    • Units turn a bit on their depth-axis when turning.
    • Unit dodge each other when colliding rather than just changing their altitude.
    • Player colors are no longer randomly generated but randomly chosen from a fixed palette so players are easier to distinguish - However, finding 64 colors that actually look very different from each other is impossible.
    • Camera scrolling is a bit smoother now.
  • Interface changes:
    • Players in custom games now have predefined names.
    • Units display their construction progress with a progress disk.
    • When hovering an asteroid with the pointer, its direction and owner are displayed. This is quite important as this enables you to pick out those asteroids that won't fly straight to your enemies.
    • Units that are told to cease fire have a red X below their hit-points bar when hovered with the pointer.
    • Added the "Unit Tracking Mode" - Press F4 when you have selected at least one unit to follow them and press F4 again to end it. See video below.
  • Other changes: A new updater has been added that looks way cooler and works faster behind the scenes.
  • Bug fixes:
    • The construction ring interface won't disappear randomly when you click on an icon.
    • Units won't "dance" when attacking a building.
    • Fixed some code that caused the game to crash randomly (most likely when you were about to win :P)

Unit tracking mode - Indie DB


Have fun!

ArkaZeen - - 1,696 comments


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InAUGral - - 13 comments

I was amazed by how fun this game was. It has many interesting elements although to be honest I think the UI can do with some work, as well as preventing it from crashing randomly with a memory exception. Other than that it was quite fun.

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