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We discuss the work that was done this past month on The Pedestrian.

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Welcome to the November Update of The Pedestrian. We hope all of you are having a wonderful Autumn season! This past month we spent the majority of our time on the last two areas of the game, the Rooftops and Finale. The Rooftops had a much needed flow update and the Finale visuals/mechanics were brought to a playtesting level. Unfortunately we can’t show much of the Finale to avoid spoilers, so you won’t see a lot of it in this update.

Well, enough of that, let’s get straight into the meat and potatoes!

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Here is the video version of our written update. It’s a quick 4 minute video that goes over this update.


The graphical representation of our progress and how it contributes to the completion of the areas. The red is progress since last month.

Blueprint Signs

New look for our signs! We’re continuing with customizing our sign meshes. Earlier we showed bending signs and altering the shader to add scratches and grunge. Now we’ve progressed farther with unique textures to change the look of the entire sign.
Link to video: Custom Mesh Video


Last month we worked primarily on the Inner City area, this month we shifted focus onto the next areas, the Rooftops and Finale. We worked towards getting them functionally complete so that we can continue testing. The Finale received some interesting visual upgrades, fixing up the main area mechanic, and a touch of player tutorial.


We’ve reworked two puzzles in the Rooftops and added a new one. The overall flow of the area was altered to give players more options on what puzzles you want to play. If you get stuck on a particular puzzle you’ll have alternatives to choose from. The idea of giving options to you is a theme we have throughout the game, but up until now the Rooftops was linear.


A little gif of some custom assets made this month.

Our Tasks

Here is the export directly from our task manager. Feel free to browse around. You might find something interesting… or not. Who knows. Task List

We’ve had fun working on the areas that were lacking. As you saw in our graph, the Finale was the area that needed the most work. Mainly, because it’s the newest and hasn’t had as much testing/iteration. The levels and gameplay of the Rooftops have improved significantly, next steps for that area are testing and visual cleanup. If you read all the way to the end, thank you! We appreciate all the amazing support you have given us in this ongoing journey. You’re the best, Pedestrians!

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