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Guns in space: While laser gun technology exists. It is very advanced technology. Out on the outher moons, such technology does not "exist". That doesn't meen they don't have some very crafty gunmakers though. This modification will see a hefty amount of guns, In all the familiar

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Guns in space:
While laser gun technology exists. It is very advanced technology. Out on the outher moons, such technology does not "exist". That doesn't meen they don't have some very crafty gunmakers though. This modification will see a hefty amount of guns, In all the familiar classes and even some unfamiliar ones. Resarch is ongoing and there is some really great guns in the series.

But, you can contribute. If you are a fan of guns and think of some that might survive for 500 years, please post them in the Forum. I am currently working on some concept designs, and might post a few pic's soon..

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