Post news RSS Some very satisfactory progress

Some majors progress are making many parts of the mod ready for a final release !

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Despite that I left the mod's development in stand-by during a week, I am, after a hard work, about to complete the first and the second chapter who will be entirely finished ! Even if it can still have some bugs or problems I haven't spotted, and that I haven't made yet the sequence of introduction of the mod where the player jumps from a space ship with a parachute to land near the complex, it is a nice progression.

So before the final release, I will publish a demo who will include the second chapter finished in order to provide a preview of quality of the mod.

Otherwise, the third chapter where the player must access to the servers still needs a bit of works with the NPCs, and about the fourth and last chapter, it has yet many things to do but the base idea is done. I am also currently experimenting the lighting and the color correction with the desert to find the best result.

Also, I shall open a small website dedicated to this mod soon where people could find information about the story line, the mod's features, how to install it, where to download it...

Thank you for reading this new and for your interest, don't forget to track the mod !


Shadowbyte - - 158 comments

Very good news indeed

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