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Greetings! Here is the some of the progress of the 1.2 version of Radioactive Survival 2.

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Greetings! Here is the some of the progress showcase of the 1.2 version of Radioactive Survival 2

-This coming update will balance the mod and includes a lot of new content. I am still busy nowadays with my real-life problems, earthquakes and school. That slows me so much.

-Added random helicopter crush spawns in random areas, you may find just some military corpses, supplies and can look for what was happened to them. It is still not finished completely.

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-Well, added new four class. It can be selected at the starting of the game... Skirmisher, Hunter, Commander and Medic. It's still beta and unfinished completely, I can't show it for now.

-Here some changes for the trading post. That buildings was so bare and looking so ugly. I have added some objects and fixed it a lot but it is still not good at all. I'm working on it.

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-That's all for now, have a nice day and mod might be ready to share a month later I guess. I got exams.

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