With the end of robot wars in 2004 and the last game being made in late 2002, I had all but lost hope in a new robot wars game (indie or otherwise). But is seems someone has taken interest and has been making promising looking models on Google Sketchup.
I hope it works out for the maker, and it also looks like someone is making a mini robot wars game.
Well mabye it is the same game.... But i would look up Robot Wars on google Sketchup
i remember loving this game a a kid, just building a robot and smash **** up, shame i cant find it anywhere anymore though
i know some links for downloading it (yes i do download games but only old ones people dont make money off anymore)
Played the demo on the ps2, came with Ops2. Did enjoy it at times, won only by default I think, whatever happens when two bots are left, as the robots you got were quite clunky.