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Hi everyone! I'm trying to continue this project. Now there was a new version of the engine Stratagus \ Wargus and it would be necessary to transfer all the new version. They fixed a lot of different bugs. So i think it should be more interesting. And need to work on balance.

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Hi everyone! I'm trying to continue their project. Now there was a new version of the engine Stratagus \ Wargus and it would be necessary to transfer all the new version. They fixed a lot of different bugs. So i think it should be more interesting. And need to work on balance.

Maybe anyone is still interested.



- Rogue


- Shaman



- Dwarf house

- Some farm (!?)

Guest - - 706,578 comments

Yes we are anticipating the mod eagerly :)

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Endytroll Author
Endytroll - - 14 comments

Glad to hear it

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shaypal5 - - 1 comments

Very interested. How is the modding done, btw? And in what language is the Wargus engine written? I'll be glad to land a hand; I'm a Java programmer, but I've also worked with C/C++, python and other language.

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