Greetings, everyone! I'm so pleased to be launching 2x0ng, and I'd like to thank Desura and the community for welcoming me. I hope you enjoy the game.
I have a few updates for you.
First off, I've set up a 2x0ng discussion forum here on Desura. You can use the forum to ask questions, report problems, talk about other similar games, or whatever you want to discuss.
The new Mac build of 2x0ng 1.4 is still in preparation, but impatient Mac users can play 2x0ng 1.0 which is available on 2x0ng's IndieDB page: 2x0ng 1.0 for Mac. That version is missing some important changes and bugfixes that are in the latest version (2x0ng 1.4), but it's still quite playable.
I should also have a native 64-bit Linux version ready soon, and I'll post updates here when these are ready. You can hit the "Track this game" button if you want to be notified.
You may have already seen the 2x0ng trailer video, but did you know that I recently made some mini-documentaries about the gameplay design and the historical influences behind 2x0ng? You can watch them here on Desura: