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Future Plans about CnCD2K Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge Mod.

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I have started to make last GLA mission yesterday. It'll take some more time to finish it. I'm planning to add an ending video which recorded from Minecraft, shows Yuri's death but how will be suprize. It will be a bit hard because i have only one computer that can run Minecraft. Other one is too old.

I also have plans about what will be GLA buildings. Black Market will upgrade all your Cycle Miners to same armor to War Miners without reducing speed. Also contain 2x storage of a refinery.

Their superweapons will be GPS Scrambler and Scud Launcher Site. Scud Launcher will contain only one missile unlike Generals' Scud Storm weapon.

They'll have reinforcement pad as one of 3. Tier building. Gives you one Scorpion Tank via Paradrop for each 3 minutes. On missions Spy Satteline is still doing this.

Other 3. Tier building will be Tunnel Exit. Gives you 3 Rebel and 1 RPG Trooper for each 3 minute. Unlike Reinforcements they have not any problem about being shooted down. Because they cames from underground.

They will have shelter as Occupiable structure and Machine Gun Post will be Anti-Infantry Defence. Their advanched defence building is Buggy Rocket Site also has AA purpose. They won't have anyother AA Building.

I only made Amphibious Transport for GLA Navy yet. They'll have Gunboat as Anti-Ship and Anti-Sub., Quad Boat as AA. Helicarrier as Bombardment and White Whale as Sea Animal.

I'm also planing anyother campaing acts after all Pschic Dominators are perfectly activated. But not sure i'll make it before, after or during development of GLA Conflict Campaigns. This campaign will be named as CotP. To don't make any more spoiler, i'm not saying what it stands for.

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