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I'll explain what is going on and where are all the new updates.

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Hello Everyone!

Stefano here with not a really update this time sadly.

There was a lack of weekly updates lately and I'm really sorry about that, but few things changed in my life in the past month and those things forced me to change my route slightly, especially about the work side of things.

So, to be short, I had to find a stable and secure job because I wasn't able to sustain the development of Project_BuildTutto anymore. I had to pause temporary the coding, build up a CV, send that to some companies nearby, and bla bla bla...

At the end I found a job position as an iOS app developer in a company near my parent's home so I accepted that and now I should begin to work somewhere around the 16th of July.

BUT, I'm not quitting with this project. I want to keep work on it, but I'll not be able to keep up with the big and constant updates that I was pushing previously.

Currently I'm spending most of my time to prepare for the job, but when the things will settle down a bit I'll grab this project again and I'll keep working on it.

I hope you guys understand, and see you in the next update!

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