Post news RSS SMMP still in development, this is it's new home.

SMMP is still being worked on, targeting Zandronum 3.0. Another release is still a ways off.

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Just wanting to let every know that I'm still working on SMMP, and this is the project's home. The next version will target Zandronum 3.0, and it'll still be a while before it's released. The new build will be focusing on interaction, polishing, narrowing down the weapon set, and making the mod a bit more focused.

There will be fewer weapons total in the next build than previous ones, but don't fret, the existing weapons will be refined, and some weapons will be replaced with much better, and much more unique ones in turn. A few of the weapons removed will be turned into something else, such as new inventory items and power-ups. The end result will mean the gameplay will be much better, you won't be sifting forever through weapons with duplicate/redundant behavior, and you'll find better/more satisfying weapons and items in their place.

This may upset some, but the Link class may be removed in the near future. The main reason for this, is because I lack good 3D Models to work with, and a lack of really good ideas for weapons and their behavior for him. However, his place will be taken by either Gordon Freeman, the Postal Dude, or Bitterman from Quake 2. I'll be interested in hearing which of those 3 people want to see the most.

As for interactivity, the mod has several new props, such as usable soda/snack vending machines, shootable glass bottles, and perhaps more as I come up with ideas. (One idea I had was giving the player the ability to pick up bread, and put it into a toaster, giving toast that can be used to heal.)

For those who haven't played since the ancient public test 7, a lot has changed... Too much to describe in one post. Nearly 7 years worth of difference.

Guest - - 706,087 comments

And well, how is it going? Any news? :)

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StrikerMan780 Author
StrikerMan780 - - 59 comments

Not yet, life's been pretty chaotic for me recently.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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