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Smart Builder is a server side plugin I am coding in Lua that will work on ren to allow you to create custom maps without the use of Level Edit or GMax (But no one's stopping you from using GMax to add new models to your own SB!)

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Smart Builder is a plugin that will allow anyone with an FDS to build maps, using build blocks that were provided by W4RNING from his map L4b_Level1.mix (big thank you to him for letting me use them). When SB is fully finished, the building blocks will all be in a seperate .mix file and won't require a new preset to use them, this will allow people to make their own models and use it on SB as well! The map file is actually going to the biggest empty space that gmax will pretty much allow me to make, I forget how big that is though... sorry, but it's really freaking huge, lets just go with that.

Anyone (that has set up an FDS) will be able to build, save, even share their maps with SB.

So what does SB have to do with this mod? This mod will be using a modified version of that blank map, meaning the map is just a blank slate with alot of modified presets. Using SB, I plan to create a huge map for people to wage war on!

Once SB is ready, I will set up a test server for everyone to come and build and even try out the presets for the mod, including the MCV from the video I uploaded some months back.

Hopefully the wait won't be a long one, and if you'd like to keep track of SB's progress, just click one of these links:

Progress of SB:
Command List:

You can also join John's Server on renegade to try out SB. It is still in it's Alpha stage, no map building as of yet. I'm working on getting the decor and AI features done before I work on the map building.

When is SB is fully completed I will then of course release it to the public. There is no set time for that, so don't ask please. I also sadly do not have a set date for when the test server is going to be up, but I am HOPING for sometime in February.

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