Post news RSS Skeletal Dance Party character art, Demo and Steam page 💀

Our wonderful artist Miku has done a lot of livestreams the last week and finished lots of the cutscene and concept art for the characters. Here is a short introduction to two of them; Reva and Funnybone. We have also put up a page on Steam for the game. If you do not want to wait until Halloween to get your paws on the most spooky Necromancer game you can also try the demo we just released a few days ago.

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Our wonderful artist Miku has done a lot of livestreams the last week and finished lots of the cutscene and concept art for the characters. Here is a short introduction to the first two of them.

SDP reva w


Reva is a naive young witch bubbling to the brim of her cauldron with optimism, excitement and a need for friends. Only wishing the best for her friends, she is willing to play any game, cast any spell, and host any party to be the best friend she can be! Sometimes the grave reality of a situation can escape any necromancer, so her naïveté may even reach the extent of denial.

SPD funnybone w


Having lived through hell, died, and been brought back to life again, Funnybone is definitely a wise and knowledgeable character. He’s seen it all, lived through it all, and now he’s back to offer his two cents about all of it. Though he’s happy to help and just wants the best outcome for everyone, sometimes he just doesn’t have the heart to tell someone they’re being downright dumb.


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Skeletal Dance Party has its own really fancy Steam page, head over there and wishlist for Halloween!


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If you do not want to wait until Halloween to get your paws on the most spooky Necromancer game you can try the demo we just released a few days ago. Play it and let us know what you think of it.

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