Post news RSS Sizzle Productions is now open and how to order

Sizzle productions is now OPEN!! Come on in to buy some strong ships for affordable prices. With funding and support from the Mandalorian Empire, we now got things going.

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It is with great pleasure that I announce that Sizzle Productions are now open. Below are our awesome cheap ships.

Sizzle cruiser mk1
A powerful ship, the sizzle cruiser mk1 resembles the broadside cruiser. It is 500 meters long and is armed with: 4 heavy turbo lasers, 2 Quadruple ober heavy turbolasers, 6 Hapan star Ion cannons (very effective), and around 60 point defense lasers. It carries 24 Spann fighters and 24 nuience bombers. Most of the cannons can swivel and it has point defense cannons covering all of the under belly (90 point defense cannons). Cost 5,300,000 credits. This ship is a good ship to have when you need to effectively take out capital cruisers. The only disadvantage is that a concentrated attack of bombers or heavy ships can destroy it.

Sizzle Corvette mk1
The Sizzle corvette is the mass produced corvette made here. Instead of quad lasers, the sizzle corvette has 20 high powered mass drivers with a quick swivel of 360 degrees. These are highly effective and this makes the Sizzle corvette capable of fighting some capital ships. It also has heavy durasteel plating making it tough to kill in combat. Overall, this is a excellent corvette to add to your fleet. Costs 2,300,000 credits

Sizzle Heavy FrigateThe Sizzle Heavy Frigate was based on the Agressor Cruiser Design. It is 800 Meters long. It is armed with a dual sizzle cannon, 20 Heavy Turbo Lasers, 30 point defense weapons, and 10 missile launchers. It has very tough armor and can hold it's own against 2 ISD mk1s. Its shielding is equal to a MC-80 A's shielding. Costs 6,800,000 credits

Alright this is all the ships that are avalible to purchase for now. The SSC and the Sizzle Battle cruiser are out of stock due to the expenses of them both.

*Special Package offer*- When you get Sizzle Cruisers mk1, you can then upgrade them to a mk2. For a reasonable fee of course

Sizzle cruiser complete mk2
It is armed with: 10 mass drivers, 18 turbo lasers, 8 heavy turbo lasers, 2 Quadruple ober heavy turbolasers, 6 Hapan star Ion cannons (very effective), and around 60 point defense lasers. It is 600 meters long. It carries 24 Spann fighters and 24 nuience bombers. Most of the cannons can swivel and it has point defense cannons covering all of the under belly (90 point defense cannons).

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