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Current Date: January 1st, 2008 Wars: No active wars. 32 separate military conflicts In 2006, the NATO Alliance was ratified following the succession of France and Spain. Poland and the Ukraine are officially sworn into the pact to assist in a global hunt for terrorists and religious extremists. NATO

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Current Date: January 1st, 2008
Wars: No active wars. 32 separate military conflicts

In 2006, the NATO Alliance was ratified following the succession of France and Spain. Poland and the Ukraine are officially sworn into the pact to assist in a global hunt for terrorists and religious extremists. NATO spends billions of dollars on the failing Russian economy, in the hopes that the increase in living quality will dissuade former chemical and nuclear weapon specialists from defecting to terrorists or their sponsors.

On August 19th, The UN officially declares bankruptcy as dozens of countries become alienated by its new policy of replacing the leaders of independent countries with lifelong UN appointed bureaucrats, effectively circumventing all public elections. The ensuing power vacuum is filled by the rapidly expanding NATO. Under the joint command of General George Carl (United States Air Force), General Collin McNeally (British Royal Marines), and General Eric Wilhelm (German Army), NATO raids dozens of terrorist cells. BY 2008, terrorism is a bad memory, buried by a new generation as it looks towards a peaceful future. The world economy booms with jobs and recreation. Free markets make millionaires overnight, and 79% of world households have at least 2 computers.

But not everyone shares the bliss. China is on the verge of economic collapse. It requires more fuel per day than the rest of the world uses in a month. Food shortages stretch Red Cross to the breaking point. Riots begin on November 8th, 2007. By December, the situation is out of control, and on Christmas day, the Chinese people are on the verge of an uprising. The Chinese government declares martial law and deploys troops with two orders: Maintain public obedience and kill anyone speaking against the government. Though the crowds disperse, soldiers remain on the street and enforce strict curfews and open fire on anyone who violates the law against public gatherings.

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