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SEVENOR IS NOT DEAD! :) Read more information about new project in this post

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Hi community,
there is something, that we want to tell you - Sevenor is not dead:)

We switched to the development of its multiplayer-only version on May 2011, after release of single-player alpha version. There were several reasons for that, some of them were caused by development issues with single-player version and some of them were caused because of the changes in the game concept in general.
Anyway, team leader received lots of experience in summer, working for one very big game development company in their office in Norway for some time, so the development process of our team was reorganized and optimized, after getting such experience. Now we have our own repository and use project management methods, it allows to simplify development a lot and improve the quality of the product. There are several other changes in new project, too, like new version of game engine, that improved perfomance a lot and allowed to introduce some new post effects and GUI things like drag-n-drop, tooltips, etc.
Another happy feature for our Russian-speaking community is that the game will be localized in Russian and English both. We received lots of comments with complaining about English-only game version from Russian-speaking players, so now the project is multi-language one.
There are some new screenshots of 2 Deathmatch maps, named "The Hole" and "Middle Age Port" in our gallery, we hope you'll like them.
The full list of names of people, that contributed their time into the single-playre alpha version is put in "About" menu of alpha version, so there is no need to mention all them here.
We start new recruitment with more professional slight, open positions are listed below:

- Low-poly 3D Artist (sci-fi, nature environment):
- good knowledge of any popular 3D designer software package (3ds max / Maya prefered)
- good skills of unwrapping
- considerable experience of creating 3D models for games (optional)
- knowledge of Photoshop/Other graphics editor that is enough to create full set of textures (diffuse, specular, normal map, emission map - all of them)

- Concept Artist:
- presence of unusual imagination without stereotypical graphics is preferred
- good knowledge of any 2D graphics editor software (Photoshop/GIMP/Corel Painter/other)
- good skills with tablet (its presence is required, too, of course)
- existence of speed-art skills is preferred, too

Obligatory requirements:
- considerable amount of dedicated time for a project - from 10 hours per week
- presence of portfolio
- desire to learn new technics and to improve your skills
- interest in the project and your position, too
- Skype/ICQ/Google Talk - the development without any operative way of communication is quite difficult

Additional (not obligatory) requirements:
- experience of work with issue trackers (Mantis/JIRA/Redmine - Redmine is used for this project) - understanding of Agile/Scrum management process is good, too
- experience of work with repository or at least understanding of why it is required (SVN is used for this project)

We remind you, that the project is not commercial at the current moment (there could be a possibility of bonus payment in case of successful release, that could be considered as commercially succesful ).

Sincerely yours,
Visiar team

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