Post news RSS Scrunk Update #4: Halloween

Welcome to Scrunk’s first seasonal event. We’re celebrating halloween with new limited time item graphics, enemy graphics, a spooky new player style and a brand new weapon. Don’t own Scrunk yet, or know someone who wants it? Read through until the end for a special Halloween treat.

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Welcome to Scrunk’s first seasonal event. We’re celebrating halloween with new limited time item graphics, enemy graphics, a spooky new player style and a brand new weapon. Don’t own Scrunk yet, or know someone who wants it? Read through until the end for a special Halloween treat.


While a lot of the new spooky graphics are only around for this event, the new “fire rocket” is here to stay. The fire rocket is an ammo type that explodes as normal however when it does explode, it leave a number of fires around the radius of the explosion. This can be used to deny specific areas while still doing massive damage.


These rockets are not craftable and will be found rarely in chests.

With this update, we’ve introduced support for alternative skins for blocks something we may use going forward. Some items will have new graphics for this event and explosions and bullets are updated to match! You’ll also find candy, a new health restoring item, in crates.


Even the mechs have joined the festivities, making themselves stealthier.

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Halloween will persistent until November 5th so make sure to login and check out all the temporary seasonal content before its gone!



- Added the Halloween seasonal event with new block graphics, new enemy graphics and a new player head style
- Added Candy which (for the duration of the Halloween event) will heal for slightly less than Syringes, but can stack more
- Added Fire Rockets that will leave fires around the explosion radius

- Reduced the chance of finding a rocket launcher in a crate by 2%
- Reduced the chance of finding the builders package (sheet metal wall, barbed wire and landmines) in an airdrop by 2%
- Increased the chance of finding the destruction package (rocket launcher, rockets and scrap) in an airdrop by 2%

- Fixed a bug where the Chaingun would have some out of place pixels when firing.
- Fixed a number of authentication-related security vulnerabilities
- Fixed an issue where some players wouldn’t be networked for a while after they had logged in


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Here's a treat: grab some keys! Just replace the ?s with -

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