Hello to everyone. For those who do not know me, I am the creator of this group and have been, without excuse, absent for bloody hell knows how long. I am hoping to increase my activity once again in the Moddb community, but for now I simply wish to update the rules. (I was young back then, so my grammar is perhaps the best not to be taken seriously...)
Here we go:
1. To avoid any form of copyright infringement, please keep any videos, music files and so on as LINKS so long as they are neither Yours or You have Rights over that form of media. Please understand this is both for your own protection as well as for this group.
2. You may upload or inform us of any musical projects within group in the Comments or (preferably) the Forums.
3. Be respectful and mindful of what you share or post here. This means: no harassment, no post regarding any pornographic material, no discrimination and the like.
4. Not so much of a rule than a suggestion: Please post anything that you may like or think that other may like. Its the Internet, there are bound to be things from anywhere or anyone from around the world that are bound to be good to listen to.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this update, please discuss it with me or any moderator of this group.