Post news RSS Roboblitz released!

Roboblitz, a new game from Naked Sky Entertainment has just been released for the PC, Xbox and XBox 360. Why does this warrant a news post? Well, because this is the first PC-released game to use Epic's Unreal Engine 3 and yes! It comes with a full-featured editor! While Roboblitz does not show

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Roboblitz, a new game from Naked Sky Entertainment has just been released for the PC, Xbox and XBox 360.

Why does this warrant a news post? Well, because this is the first PC-released game to use Epic's Unreal Engine 3 and yes! It comes with a full-featured editor!

While Roboblitz does not show the full potential of the engine, this does not mean the editor is significantly handicapped.

It comes with the new UnrealEd, lots of custom roboblitz meshes and textures, the material, physics and particle editors and most importantly Kismet, the brilliantly intuitive scripting device. The one that is missing is the source code in uscript, but that is reportedly going to be added in a patch within a few weeks. Also, since Roboblitz is only a single player game, there is also no native net code. A drawback for those focused on multiplayer mods.

However, those who are anticipating UT2k7 as a modding platform, this can at least act as a good prototyping platform (beyond 2k4) and for getting used to Kismet and its functionality.

Moddb profile for the game can be found here:

The thread in forums for it is here:

Happy modding!

TheHappyFriar - - 520 comments

a "warning" to some:

the PC one has REALLY high requirements. Basicly, if you don't XP & an ATI x800 or Nvidia 6600 or better, odds are the game won't run (or won't run great, but it requires XP).

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EdgeFilm Author
EdgeFilm - - 132 comments

Good call, low end pcs won't be able to run it most likely, even though it doesn't "look" too intensive. But anyone who is planning on getting UT2k7 will need an upgraded pc anyway.

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Sp4rta - - 74 comments

idk is this good news for the modding comunity?

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Chunky - - 1,415 comments

It's the first Unreal 3 moddable game released. That's pretty damn important for people who are looking forward to modding UT2k7.

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EdgeFilm Author
EdgeFilm - - 132 comments's a link to the editor wiki:

Not much there yet, but hopefully it should show up soon.

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EdgeFilm Author
EdgeFilm - - 132 comments

show=fill...sorry, too many drugs

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RichardL - - 55 comments

I recommend this game to anyone who plans on modding with UE3. It's a lot of fun, and there's quite a bit to learn.

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lillbrorsan - - 754 comments

I've been playing some Roboblitz and it runs smooth on my new pc and the great thing about this game is that it is so different to everything else out there, i really loved playing it with puzzles and stuff, you do really have to put your mind to it when it comes to several puzzles.

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SinKing - - 3,119 comments

I guess its a fun game and lots of riddles to be solved in it, BUT I have been looking at the homepage and reading all the descriptions, looking at all the enemies and gadgets AND - this is a really cheap lil title!
Everything looks like it has been modeled by a ten year old. You can even tell that the robots have a ball instead of legs, so they didn't have to bother with the animations.
So the irony is that this is the best (looking) engine on the market (ya I know Crysis fanboys, but nevermind) and it produces the shittiest looking game of all times. This really looks like one of those Lucas Arts titles from five years ago. Models seem to have been made within minutes and nothing really looks great about it.
So its the first UE3 game, but won't there be many more, soon? Because Roboblitz doesn't showcase what I expect of the UE3 - engine. I will wait for Huxley to do that - though AGAIN = HUXLEY doesn't look as good as I expected either.

At least UT07 still looks blizz and the first thing I will see the new engine on will be the next entry in the series. This will become a classic, Roboblitz probably won't.

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Kester - - 175 comments

That's not the point. The point is it has the editor shipped with it, so modders can get to grips with it before they would be able to if they waited for UT2k7.

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EdgeFilm Author
EdgeFilm - - 132 comments

Exactly kester, forget the game, get UnrealEd3 you fools!

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Kester - - 175 comments

Just bought it now, will start playing with UnrealEd tomorrow. It's about time I got to grips with it as an editor.

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J1mmmy - - 169 comments

perhaps they were working within their limitations as a small company which doesn't have time for fancy animations.
or something like that.

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