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Hello everyone, Half the team will be heading up to San Francisco next week forGDC 07 so we felt like celebrating by updating all the old media and bringing in some new stuff! Our The Structure level is being filled with our own original textures by out very talented texture artist. So we've replaced

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Hello everyone,

Half the team will be heading up to San Francisco next week forGDC 07 so we felt like celebrating by updating all the old media and bringing in some new stuff!

The Structure 07 The Structure 06
AG Heavy Infantry AG Heavy Infantry AG Heavy Infantry

Our The Structure level is being filled with our own original textures by out very talented texture artist. So we've replaced the old screens with new ones and added a couple originals ones (seen above). Also above you will see the finally released Heavy Infantry for the Autonomous team!

If you go back and look at all our old media you'll notice it's been completely updated. Also if you head to our website you'll see some extra new stuff we didn't put on ModDB. This is only the first of a couple releases that will take place before next Sunday, so stay tuned!

sgt:sam - - 43 comments

omg best future mod ever elese then disopidia no offense other mods hehe:)

good luck!

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briguy992 - - 128 comments

Hey guys,

My name is Brian from the Eternal-Silence mod for Source as well :-)

If you guys get a chance, come over to the IGF booth where we are at GDC and we could have some sort of HL2 mod meet-up.


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mcewanian Author
mcewanian - - 15 comments

Hey Brian,

Sounds great! :D

Are you guys entered into the IGF?

- Ian

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