Today we are show casing Ricky Williams' map Carentan Causeway and the Me109g that Toni has made.
Ricky has rebuilt his map now for about the fifth and final time. It's great to see it coming along so nicely and we're sure you'll all agree.
Toni's Me109g is an absolute thing of beauty. When seen ingame strafing you, you almost forget to take cover!
Oh, all right, we'll spill the beans on our grenade throwing feature. You will have 3 different ways you can throw a grenade in RNL based on our iron site, shoulder and hip aiming system. After you pull the pin/remove the cap, you can select how you want to throw the grenade: overhand, sidearm (pitch) or underhand.
We hope you all enjoy the new media and hope to see more of you on our forums and in our IRC channel.
That is really, really good. The only thing I can suggest is using a muddier water texture: when it's reflecting it's great, but when it's at a shallow angle and you can see right through to the grass, it's not so convincing.
Also, how have you managed to extend Source's draw distance quite so far (assuming it'll be like that in-game)? Early access to the Ep2 codebase? :p
wow thats some very cool stuff.
Nice use of the source engine.
Im impressed!
Excellent work!
can't wait for this mod to come out. been waiting and watching for a long time. keep the good work up!
Thanks for the comments guys.
@ Varsity: The screenshots were taken in-game, the draw distance is up to the mapper and how they use the fog (it can be extended back quite far).
How cool is that - up to now I didn't even know there are planes in this. This mod is getting better with every update!
you're doubleplusgood!
@ Varsity - I've used a muddier water before and it actually looked worse then, then it does now.
I may do some sort of 'lapping' water at the edges of the swamp area to simulate a large body of water better, the rivers and stream will be 'moving' soon.
Also the draw distances are whats ingame unless testing proves major problems (So far it hasn't), it just comes down to optimization really for such long veiws.