Post news RSS "Rise of the Shadows" Mod Update

The following is a mod update as of: March 31, 2011

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Hello everyone,

Just to give an update of the progress I'm making with the mod: I'm still nearing completion of almost all tga icons and text scripts. However, I'm having technical difficulties in making scripts that show up during the gameplay tactical overviews for the planets' history to reflect the plot and setting of the mod (which ticks me off considering that I'm a hardcore History major at college right now). On the plus side, beyond that, the scripts for the units and their respective tga icons are working out perfectly so far. I did some testing to make sure of that and I also took screenshots and video recordings of the mod game testing. Feel free to check out the pictures and the videos that I uploaded. I have more to come, but unfortunately the videos take a long time to upload, so I'll upload more of them periodically until the release of the mod. As for pictures, there is only a few more I can think of to take in order to reflect what's new in the mod compare to the original expansion. So the only ones I plan to take more pictures and video recordings down the road are the new platoon units that I made buildable for the Rebel Alliance that include Wookiee warriors and Bothan reconnaisance soldiers. Plus I'll probably show some other stuff of Sith Acolyte forces (for the Galactic Empire and the corrupt faction, Consortium of Criminal Networks (CCN)) dueling it out against Jedi Knight forces (for the Rebel Alliance). If I can think of more stuff to record beyond that which I think is worth showing, I will definitely plan to do so. Well, hope all of you enjoy the stuff I have posted so far until I come back from my friend's wedding at Vegas in a few days.


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