Post news RSS Revealed: Our new Game "Virus!"

We announced a new project a few weeks ago and after making some progress and entering an early alpha stage we are now ready to tell you a bit more about it. Our new project is called "Virus!" and is a top down Shoot 'em Up with some RPG elements.

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We announced a new project a few weeks ago and after making some progress and entering an early alpha stage we are now ready to tell you a bit more about it. Our new project is called "Virus!" and is a top down Shoot 'em Up with some RPG elements.

The Player takes control over a Virus and tries to infect other organisms to grow in strength. Exploration and infection will grant you DNA (Experience) and allow you to select Mutations (Talents/Skills) to specialize your Virus and gain new abilities.

will be released for Windows, MAC and Linux. We have not yet decided if it will be available on Android (via Crosswalk) and iOS. Please visit the game page for more info (soon).

The game is still in an very early alpha stage and we are looking for people interested in testing our new game. Especially Desktop and Android users. If you are interested in becoming an Alpha- or Betatester fill out our application form, please.

We will update you with our progess in the upcoming weeks. Skilled artists for 2D art should take a closer look at our job offers over the next couple of weeks.

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