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Information about the development hurdles the mod has faced over the past few years.

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About two years ago I faced a personal crisis that was beyond belief. I was not certain that I would be able to finish this project but I had so much invested in it that I eventually decided that I must. It took me a while to get ahold of all the source files and piece together what I had remaining.

After coming back to finish this work I had to really step back and take a look at what needed to be done in order to get the mod to the point of release. After a time of deliberation me and my team decided that the bones were still good but many of the features promised were either broken or not needed. I stripped out many things and tore anything out that was confusing. Eventually we were left with a solid foundation to build upon.
One of the decisions made was to split the game up into chapters. This would allow a much better bug testing environment and a capability to focus intensely on separate sections to get to release.

The first chapter is probably going to be the most challenging as it contained an enormous number of issues. The AI (which I will go into detail in a later news post) had to be revamped as the way it was done led to too many issues. Also the intro to the game has been remade and we now have some cutscenes which connect the jointed gameplay sections.

I have had team members come and go along with problems hosting and getting a website. Thankfully most of these issues should now be taken care of as we joined Ex Unitae Vires who is going to host it.

Basically I just want you guys to know that I am doing my best to get this thing to release. I strongly believe that it is and will be the best Cthulhu game released and that it deserves it. Thanks for the interest and support.

Quinjet - - 178 comments

Good to see you back and continuing the project.

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Zelaroth - - 49 comments

You can do it! I am so looking forward to this mod! I love H.P. Lovecraft and to see it manifest is utterly fantastic.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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