Version 6 of the Remote Strike Weapon Mutator has been released!, it includes 5 new weapons and a host of changes to all 11 weapons with fixes and tweaks plus gameplay changes. The mutator works both ONLINE and offline with bots. Theres a mutator for the weapons if you just want to play quickly and these are all usuable with Switcharsenal and worms 2k3. Please remember to bind a key to 'reload' in the settings page of ut2003, you'll find it in the 'Remote Strike' section.
More range for shotguns
Mg much more blast radius on primary NO blast radius on secondary.
Gauss bayonet muzzle flash fixed
Recoil reduced on all guns, still some but alt fire is easier to fire now
Defender black now an auto shotgun, fires 3 heavy shot each fire makes the defender black relevant again as it was pointless next to the camo version
Tweaks to weapon effectiveness weapons now better and more balanced
Heavy Company Mortar added
Nexus Assault Rifle added
105mm Howitzer added
Primary Howitzer Fire Shrapnel Grenades added
Secondary Fire Flak Fire mode
Fixed select sound which was very long and annoying
Custom ammo meshes for Mortar,105MM Howitzer,Silenced SMG,Nexus Assult Rifle
Tweaked mutator code fixed a bug
Fixed reload sounds and animations
SilencedSMG added and in game
Heavy Support Weapon added and in game
Fixed some third person display issues
Hope you like it !
Romanov ( Project Leader / Animator / Coder / Modeller )
NexusOne ( UVW