Post news RSS Release 4: Changes to older additions

Balance & gameplay adjustments to previous Tiberian History content. I will no longer list ascetics changes because it would make the list to long.

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This list only includes changes for the Scrin & Nod. The GDI list will be posted at a later date.



  • Ion storm death weapon removed. This was causing targeting bugs and so had to be removed, this was done for release 3, but too late to make the release 3 changes list.



  • Reload time decreased from 2.3s to 1.5s. This increases the rate of fire which in turn increases the damage dealt over time. This increases the Turrets ability to deal with the fast, light armoured vehicles which are often used in the early stages of a battle. It also means that the turrets can deal with a slightly larger number of Tier 1 tanks.
  • Turret now gives double experience. Increasing the effectiveness of a static defence makes it more viable for offensive MCV or base crawl tactics. In particular the turret is now even more effective used in the tactic were an MCV is moved to a tiberium field that is controlled by the enemy and defences are built along with refineries in order to aggressively take over the enemies tiberium field. A turret builder will now have to decide on whether they leave a turret standing in order to get off extra shots, at the risk of the opponent gaining experience, or selling the turret and denying the experience to the opponent while losing the extra damage.

Confessor squad

  • Fixed experience points in accordance with Kane's Wrath data. Gives less experience when killed. Takes longer to rank up.

Rocket squads

  • Reduced damage done by Blue tiberium upgraded warhead from 500 to 375. Reining in the insane power of infantry rushes.


  • AI fix: The AI will no longer repeatedly (and futilely) attempt to squash enemy infantry. This means that AI controlled Apaches will finally efficiently kill infantry. Stupid EA.
  • Increased shroud clearance from 400 to 500. Better scouting abilities and more importantly it can spot groups of Rocket\missile squads earlier.

SAM Site

  • Blue Tiberium upgraded warhead damage increased from 1500 to 2000. This is in-line with the damage increase on Kane's Wrath Nod Rocket bunkers that have been upgraded with Tiberium warheads.

Devil's Tongue

  • Lowered shroud clearance from 400 to 300. This will make it slightly more difficult for Devil's tongue users.
  • Special power starts uncharged, you have to wait for your 1st use once the tech centre has been built. Nod tech rush tactics were getting boring.
  • Special power cost increased from $2000 to $3000. Still a no-brainer at this price.
  • Special power now recharges in 210s up from 180s. This is to lessen the 'Devil's' loop, were a skilled Devil's Tongue user can cause havoc while keeping their Devil's Tongue alive for long enough that when you do eventually destroy it, the Devil's tongue special power is nearly ready again, or the initial Devil's Tongue stays alive long enough to reach heroic and is joined by a second Devil's Tongue.
  • Flame weapon now does linear damage. It's not all bad news! This means that the Devil's Tongue now does damage along the entire length of the flame. Be warned that this includes friendly units & structures!

Attack Cycle

  • 2 things were never mentioned from release 3 because they were added late during play testing. The Attack cycle could gain upgraded warheads via the 'Blue Tiberium' upgrade. And the speed was increased to Kane's Wrath level of 160.
Upgraded Bikes vs Scrin PACs

  • The speed has now been reduced back to the C&C3 level of 140. There was no need for them to be that fast, and it gets very annoying coming against them on larger maps, especially once they've been upgraded.

Please note that the GDI change list is coming soon!

Green = Buff
Blue = Neutral

Red = Nerf
Black = My comments

SlayerX3 - - 2,448 comments

Most of the Nerfing was in the Nod's side, what happened to make the gameplay to be so one sided towards Nod when facing GDI ?

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Madin Author
Madin - - 2,077 comments

I should have stated that I did not have space for the GDI list. I will add the GDI list soon!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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