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If you find a bug/glitch, please report it on the SoGE testing forum or mantis bug tracker.

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I've been seeing in a lot of the comments that people have been having issues with 2.0E, and particular issues with missile trails and other graphics problems. Please lower your graphics settings; putting them on 'Highest' is an issue for some people, SoGE is more system intensive than stock Sins. In addition uncheck "Use Colored Skyboxes", "Use Deep Space Skyboxes", and "Bloom Enabled" from the Effects page; these should be off in order for the mod to display correctly.

If you find one, after tinkering with your graphic settings, I request that you report it in SoGE's testing forum, or on the mantis bug tracker, with whatever information you have; the ship in question, a picture of the issue, anything is appreciated. I want to stamp out these issues, but I cannot do this without your help! The testing forum can be accessed here:

MrPerson - - 1,802 comments

hmm, I haven't experianced any of these problems.....yet

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davidt0504 - - 720 comments

I can't even load a map

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Darkavid - - 1 comments

Great mod,
Question to Lavo. Is there anyway to play the mod but keep the different coloured star backgrounds as in the original. I find the stock standard one for every star system to get a little bland. Also I tried to run the Requiem graphics mod their explosions are very good but it simply wont work. It loads the mod but doesn't actually change anything.

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Lavo Author
Lavo - - 2,041 comments

What do you mean by different colored backgrounds? Do you mean where each planet has a different colored "sky"? If so, this is not possible as vanilla skyboxes were removed in Novus Universum.

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kucsidave - - 106 comments

i didn't really found out how to register, so sorry, but i will post this here, as it is serious
AI can build (i think)infinite supercaps.
I just saw 2 Executor class SSD for one AI...

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