Wow .. has this really been 6 years? I was 16 when this got released, I feel a bit nostalgic about my HL modding years - I grew up with this game. Anyway, I just googled the mod and was surprised that I found it on several sites - seems to have a life of its own now.
I see that ppl (understandably) want an english version - that would require me to recompile all maps as, except for the intro sequence, all the text in game is in the maps themselves (game_text entity). I should also probably add subtitles for the voice acting (but thats not that important as everyone is mostly just saying "fuck off" in various - and very impolite - ways). It wouldn't be much work, but the challenge is finding the original rmf files (though I'm pretty sure i have a backup somewhere on an old hard-drive gathering dust)... Anyway the mod was aimed at Czech audience and it was very well received within the Czech community (a lot better than i originally thought actually). Initially I didn't plan to put the mod on moddb (to release it outside of Czech "internet space"), but then ELjano put it here and I just went along with it - now I'm glad that its archived here as most Czech sites (including my own) where you could download the mod are either dead or dying.
I might make an English version in the future (looking forward to have a free summer - no work, no school :-), and In the process I would probably also fix the maps a bit and also probably replace the "metal test" level with some riddles or something like that. BTW, regarding the "metal test" - you can actually skip that whole level if you push the "ANO" (YES) button twice right before it begins, also the right answers are in the file "metaltest.txt" in the mod folder.
I will probably do a Lets play with (English) commentary sometime in July (talking about how the maps came to be and also showing off all the secrets - there is actually quite a few of them). I think that it will be interesting to put together my thoughts about it after such a long time (interesting for me anyway), also it would be a good exercise in spoken English for me... I will post a link to the Lets play here.
Úplně jsem zapomněl že tohle existuje :D