Post news RSS Red Alert 2: Broken Alliance promo videos

OK. Not many of you will have heard of RA2: Broken Alliance. It's still a small mod atm, but growing. The Red Alert 2 engine is dated, but still has the oppurtunity for a damn good mod. So heres something for you to begin with. I have two more of these, but I want to add sound to them. Its a 3d rendered

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OK. Not many of you will have heard of RA2: Broken Alliance. It's still a small mod atm, but growing.

The Red Alert 2 engine is dated, but still has the oppurtunity for a damn good mod. So heres something for you to begin with.

I have two more of these, but I want to add sound to them. Its a 3d rendered video featuring RLF Scimitar tanks, rebel soldiers, and the Korean Black Eagle. D/l and enjoy.

To find out more about Broken Alliance, visit here Or here.

Heres the video.


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